Finales Trockenschwimmen auf der Bühne mit Licht, Ton, Video, Streaming
Eröffnung des OIO, der Bühne und Vorstellung aller Assemblies auf dem OIO
SearchWing baut eine Rettungsdrohne für die zivilen Rettungsorganisationen im Mittelmeer wie Sea-Watch, Sea-Eye und Resqship. Wir beschreiben den Aufbau, die Tests auf dem Mittelmeer, die Herausforderungen beim Bau und beim Einsatz des autonomen Flugzeugs und werfen einen Blick auf die verwendeten Bilderkennungsalgorithmen.
Löten für Einsteiger - oder: warum riecht menschliche Haut beim Kontakt mit dem Lötkolben nach Huhn?
Did you ever want to know how hacking works? This beginners workshops gives an introduction into vulnerabilities, application pen testing and the security of web applications. Only if you know how hackers attack your application, you will be able to defend yourself. Nearly all companies use web applications nowadays. Any vulnerability in those applications may be an invitation for hackers to attack it. This workshop will give you insights on those things that you should never neglect when programming your application. From Techie to Techie!
Requirements: programming experience & laptop needed, security knowledge is not necessary
We take a quick dive into the Highspeed Amateurradio Multimedia NETwork the wireless backbone of the European Amatuerradio Community. It’s uses mostly commercial hardware on it’s own frequencies beneath the 2,4 and 5 GHz wifi bands. The net is routed with it’s own ipv4 private network consisting of multiple blocs.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) is a hot topic in the media. The peninsula is changing rapidly, but how is that reflected in life on the ground? What is it like to live in Pyongyang? Are the externally reported societal changes and developments in technology also visible in everyday life? This talk will describe modern urban life in Pyongyang, and the recent forces driving change.
Did you ever want to know how hacking works? This beginners workshops gives an introduction into vulnerabilities, application pen testing and the security of web applications. Only if you know how hackers attack your application, you will be able to defend yourself. Nearly all companies use web applications nowadays. Any vulnerability in those applications may be an invitation for hackers to attack it. This workshop will give you insights on those things that you should never neglect when programming your application. From Techie to Techie!
Requirements: programming experience & laptop needed, security knowledge is not necessary
Concepts, goals, implementations and the lessons learned from rewriting decentralized messenger in rust.
In this talk we present re:claimID, a decentralized, self-sovereign identity
management system. re:claimID allows users to reclaim authority over their
identities and personal data. The system is built on top if a
state-of-the-art, decentralized directory service: The GNU Name System.
Built-in cryptographic mechanisms allow users to selectively disclose
personal data and the directory service ensures that this data is accessible
to authorized parties even if the user is offline. Through OpenID Connect,
integration and use of re:claimID is straight-forward and authorization
flows are familiar. In this talk, we present the current state of re:claimID
as well as a future roadmap.
Test with us our new alpha version of the
Eine kurze Erzählung von den Anfängen der Protestbewegung bis heute und darüber hinaus. Wenn eine spontan gebildete Menge an Menschen beginnt die Werkzeuge der Demokratie zu nutzen ist das vorläufige Ergebnis eine der größten Petitionen weltweit und über 200.000 kreativ Protestierende auf den Straßen Europas. War es das schon oder kommt da noch etwas? Welche Auswirkungen haben demokratische Werkzeuge wie Petitionen und Demonstrationen? Kann man die nächsten Proteste voraussehen oder wie entstehen Wellen der Aufmerksamkeit? Hat sich eine neue Empörung zum ersten oder zum letzen Mal aufgetan? Von vernetzen Livestreams während der Proteste bis zu Community Aktionen wie Meme-Events und Briefraids.
In the digital age the privacy has become an important matter. But with
the current digital payment methods the privacy of the user is not
guaranteed. To avoid the data sharing, the Taler team implemented a
digital form of cash.
To demonstrate the payment system we developed an interface for a snack
machine based on GNU Taler. This implementation allows the customer to
pay with a smartphone app via NFC or QR-Code.
The project was realized by Taler in cooperation with two students from
Bern University of Applied Sciences.
Spaß am Gerät: Mehrere Teams bauen gleichzeitig mit Nudeln um die Wette. Dabei geht es um kreativen Umgang mit Technik und die Erfahrung, dass man Dinge auch jenseits der eigentlichen Verwendungszwecke gut gebrauchen kann. Junghacker bzw. solche die es werden wollen, können alleine oder als Team kommen. Es kann jeder mitmachen, der weiß, was eine Nudel ist. PS: Es werden keine Lebensmittel verschwendet. PPS: Erwachsene dürfen auch mitmachen, wenn sie den Junghacker keinen Platz wegnehmen. Sie werden aber wahrscheinlich gegen den Nachwuchs verlieren :-D
Der Markt für Mobilgeräte wird dominiert von Android und der Anteil freier Komponenten wird merklich kleiner. Einige Projekte versuchen das zu ändern und bringen GNU/Linux auf Handies und Tablets zu bringen. Wir schauen uns verschiedene solche Projekte an und sprechen über die Notwendigkeit, den aktuellen Stand und die Zukunftsaussichten von GNU/Linux auf Mobilgeräten. Am Beispiel von Ubuntu Touch gehen wir auf besondere Herausforderungen ein.
Nextcloud Flow is the overhauled workflow engine in upcoming Nextcloud 18. This talk describes how it evolved, how it works internally, and especially how own components can be built, so you can set up automatized tasks in your Nextcloud.
In einem Workshop überlegen Schüler*innen gemeinsam mit anderen, wie man sich auf Berufe vorbereitet, die es heute noch gar nicht gibt. Und warum das eigene Smartphone- und Social-Media-Verhalten einem die Zukunft rettet statt sie zu vergeigen.
We explore the potential of scalable online ethnography to study the rapidly growing phenomenon of participatory culture communities and discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using an online platform in hacker communities. The presentation shares views, with a demo, on how to build participatory online communities from a pilot that focused on the global Burning Man community.
Da A.25 mit 9k6 baud irgend wann einfach nicht mehr cool ist um Daten auf 430 Mhz zu übertragen, musste ein neues Protokoll mit passender Hardware her. Herausgekommen ist ein open source Projekt von F4HDK mit 500kbit/s nutzdaten, multiuser und schnellen Rundlaufzeiten.
Spaß am Gerät: Mehrere Teams bauen gleichzeitig mit Nudeln um die Wette. Dabei geht es um kreativen Umgang mit Technik und die Erfahrung, dass man Dinge auch jenseits der eigentlichen Verwendungszwecke gut gebrauchen kann. Junghacker bzw. solche die es werden wollen, können alleine oder als Team kommen. Es kann jeder mitmachen, der weiß, was eine Nudel ist. PS: Es werden keine Lebensmittel verschwendet. PPS: Erwachsene dürfen auch mitmachen, wenn sie den Junghacker keinen Platz wegnehmen. Sie werden aber wahrscheinlich gegen den Nachwuchs verlieren :-D
The Independent Solar Mesh System has a new hardware that will bring the power consumption, space and cost requirements of low cost WiFi relay stations down: FF-ESP32-.OpenMPPT
KNX ist toll, zusammen mit OpenHAB sind die Möglichkeiten unendlich. Wir tauschen uns über Automatisierungsideen aus und sprechen über best practices.
Richtlinien für den ethischen Einsatz von Algorithmen gibt es langsam wirklich genug. Konzerne und Organisationen übertrumpfen sich geradezu damit zu betonen, dass der Mensch bei allen maschinellen Entscheidungen im Mittelpunkt stehen soll, dass die Systeme fair und nachvollziehbar arbeiten müssen. Aber egal, ob sie nun direkt von Google und IBM stammen, von Normungsorganisationen wie IEEE oder der OECD – gemeinsam ist all diesen Richtlinien: Sie sind rechtlich nicht bindend. Die Frage ist also: Wem dienen solche Ansätze der unternehmerischen und staatlichen Selbstregulierung? Und wollen wir uns auf sie verlassen oder brauchen wir klare gesetzliche Auflagen? Welche Regeln sollten für Unternehmen gelten, welche für den Staat? Und wer soll darüber wachen, dass sie eingehalten werden?
Ein howto für Dummis, Freifunk Infrastruktur selber zu betreiben.
Software Defined Radios in Kombination mit open source tools erlauben es einfach anspruchsvolle aufgeben umzusetzen. Nach einer kurzen theoretischen Engführung kann sich jeder an verschieden Beispielen versuchen Signale zu empfangen und zu dekodiren.
With Nextcloud you can sync, share and collaborate on data, but you don't need to put your photos, calendars or chat logs on an American server. Nope, Nextcloud is self-hosted and 100% open source! Thanks to hundreds of apps, Nextcloud can do a lot and in this talk, I will highlight some cool things.
We will test, discuss and document decentralized and off the grid social networks, such as secure scuttlebutt SSCB.
After a very quick introduction on Replicant and the smartphones ecosystem, we will look at what affects smartphones' and tablets' lifetime and how to increase it by making Replicant more sustainable.
Building a social network on top of net2o, and importing your existing data
Im Internet offerieren diverse Anbieter WiFi Hardware inklusive VPN für 10€.
Dieser Talk behandelt, wie sehr sich die verkaufte Hardware sowie Software von den meisten Freifunk Setups unterscheidet.
Dort wo sich Physik und Philosophie treffen ist es Zeit, über Zeit zu sprechen.
Mitmachspass mit Autocomplete: Entdecke KI-Seele deines Smartphones
Using git for keeping track of your code? Ever had a moment where you wanted to assault git for being /doing stupid? (yes i know, it definitely wasnt your fault)
Now is the time: you may either stay at that level of knowlegde to not loose the chance to get angry at git again (no issues with that, everyone needs a scapegoat) or you could learn why git works the way it does (and sometimes does stupid stuff).
This workshop might help you with the second.
Kerbal Space Program - Build. Fly. Dream.
Einmal ein eigenes Raumfahrtprogramm leiten? Mit KSP ist das möglich.
We will discuss and document mobile ad-hoc mesh routing protocols.
Wie kommt man eigentlich in den Weltraum und was ist an so ein bisschen Schub so kompliziert *?
Warum sehen Raumfahrtantriebe so aus wie sie sind und was wird sich mit "New Space" alles ändern?
(*)insert rocket science joke here
Löten für Einsteiger - oder: warum riecht menschliche Haut beim Kontakt mit dem Lötkolben nach Huhn?
Compared to software, the open source approach is relatively new to most actors in the field of (mechanical) hardware. Plus Open Source Hardware faces some special issues. A yet missing definition of its "source code" is one of them (+ patent law, liability, engineers that do not know how to work with git, costly prototyping…).
DIN SPEC 3105 will be/is the first official standard for Open Source Hardware and also the first official standard ever published under a free license (CC-BY-SA 4.0; that was a lot of lobby work ;) ). It defines the technology-specific "source" of Open Source Hardware and aims to build a bridge between research institutes, public authority, industry and the worldwide open source community. e.V. annually meets to discuss all things GNUnet e.V.-related (including finances, elections, and community update). The full agenda will be determined closer to the event.
Lötet euren eigenen OpenMPPT!
Frank Dörner von Ärzte ohne Grenzen und Sebastian Jünemann von CADUS diskutieren die jüngsten Angriffe auf humanitäre Prinzipien in verschiedenen Kontexten, wie beispielsweise während der medizinischen Nothilfe in Nordost-Syrien.
LoRaWAN is a Long Range Wide Area Network that can connect devices over several kilometres while operating on very low power. It uses freely available frequencies, and with successful community project The Things Network there exists an open and free network. This makes LoRaWAN ideal for that small gadgets you want to deploy out in the field and also really interesting for a hacker community. Let's get working on it!
About hacking wheelchairs, building custom bicycles, adapters to use e-scooters as outboard motors: Empowering people with disablitities or healthcare needs through Open Hardware. Presentation on experiences and lessons learned in collecting and co-creating open personalized DIY healthcare solutions for replicability and adaptability in Makerspace worldwide.
Delta Chat is an e-mail instant messenger that is just becoming available on all platforms.
Unlike other offerings, Delta Chat is no platform and operates no own servers.
Instead it uses existing SMTP/IMAP servers to send and receive messages.
We'll talk about the current development status on all platforms, our new
Rust-core based approach, our decentralized e2e-encryption facilities (not requiring
keyservers, and safe against active attacks) and how we are generally driving
developments from UX and security perspectives. We also aim to showcase
"burner accounts", a new concept that we are developing and discussing
with activists in eastern european countries and asian cities.
Freifunk steht für freie Kommunikation in digitalen Datennetzen. Reicht dieser Slogan aus, um die Communities wachsen und die Marke Freifunk bei den Menschen in unserem Land bekannt zu machen? Was können wir tun, um nicht bald die letzten Freifunker zu sein und insbesondere eine engagierte junge Generation anzusprechen, die Informationen ganz anders filtert und verarbeitet als GenX oder Baby Boomers? In diesem interaktiven Talk mit einer Marketingexpertin aus der IT Branche, geht es um die Identität von Freifunk und warum 8 Sekunden entscheidend sind.
Seit Jahren kämpfen wir um die Haftungsprivilegierung für Freifunker. Als Zugangsvermittler in das Internet hat der Gesetzgeber den Freifunker als Diensteanbieter von Ansprüchen Dritter freigestellt. Nach dem Gesetz ist der Freifunker für die Handlungen Dritter im Internet nicht verantwortlich. Wie die Rechtssprechung die gesetzliche Regelung anwendet, möchte ich Euch in meinem Vortrag berichten.
Open discussion about wireless security of current and upcoming chips and wireless technologies.
The Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) is a diverse community of innovation hubs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and other grassroot innovation community spaces and initiatives as well as individual innovators, makers, technologists and changemakers.
With strong roots in the global south, we share, collaborate and work together globally. GIG provides a platform for meaningful exchange by fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration between its members. We have a non-profit organisation registered in Germany.
GIG is pursuing a new vision for global cooperation based on equality, openness and sharing. We aim to enable more diversity in the production of technology, and global innovation processes and support open and sustainable solutions developed by grassroot innovators.
What can we create together?
Ein Würfel der einem Jahre seines Lebens kostet... und hübsch leuchtet... :D
Machbarkeit im Making wird vornehmlich von physikalischen Gesetzen bestimmt. Doch wie sieht es mit ethischen Grenzen aus? Vor allem im Gesundheitsbereich stellt sich die Frage, ob alles das was reverse engineered und selbst gebaut werden kann tatsächlich auch von der maker community diesem Prozess unterzogen werden sollte. Über diese Frage diskutieren Steini und Seb (CADUS).
In mesh networks like freifunk, data needs to be forwarded towards a destination with the help of other nodes and no prior knowledge. We will describe the different approaches to solve this problem and it realizations in common adhoc mesh routing protocols like batman-adv or olsr.
Crackhouse , die RadioKochShow auf FSK83.0 in Hamburg mit Fabse und Felix. 60 Minuten pure Leidenschaft fürs Kochen.
Geht mit unser Einkaufsliste los, ladet euch Freunde ein und kocht gemeinsam mit uns.
Wir erzählen euch von den Aktionen unserer Initiative #wirsindderosten und wollen gemeinsam mit euch über Ideen sprechen, ein fortschrittliches und demokratisches Bild von Ostdeutschland zu pushen.
We briefly discuss the range of cryptographic primitives being used by protocols that seek to make proof-of-work protocols obsolete. We shall focus primarily on these cryptographic building blocks themselves, not overly on the different protocols built form them.
In this talk we'll dive into the challenge of going fully FOSS. We'd like to introduce you to the principles behind our decision to choose FOSS. We'll explain the why and how, focusing on ethics as well as our tech stack. We'll share what daily trials and tribulations we had to overcome, how our organization coped with these changes, and what our day to day work now looks like. We'll give an honest review of the cost of choosing FOSS over proprietary software. We'll also detail our migration experience and talk about our efforts to build a global network of other non-profits using FOSS. Finally we'd like to talk about our relationship with the FOSS community. Our goal of sharing our FOSS adventure is to show other organizations that it is important and possible to choose ethical IT alternatives.
Wie soll es mit dem Freifunk weitergehen?
Admin-Mangel, zunehmende Finanzierungsprobleme, unerfüllte Erwartungen?
Some Initiatives are trying to provide internet access and VoIP dial-out in a user-owned (Commons Economy) or completely open infrastructure. We will present the state of affairs and invite to a discussion on the possible perspectives.
The current social media situation is catastrophic. A single megacorporation controls the entire digital life of large parts of the world's population. Together with the rapidly improving methods for processing this data, a power that not only concerns experts is being bundled here. And Facebook's monopoly secures itself. On the one hand, users cannot leave Facebook(/ Instagram/WhatsApp) without being cut off from the social life of their friends. On the other hand, alternatives fail because they can't reach a critical mass. It seems impossible that a single application will ever replace Facebook. The freedom of the Internet is fundamentally threatened. Breaking the power of Facebook is probably one of the greatest challenges of our time. And in order to solve this task, we did come up with a detailed concept that we want to present to the public for the first time at 36c3.
SNAC - Social Network Application Cluster - is the name of the protocol used to standardise data exchange between different social media applications. Just as email protocols enable users to choose their provider freely, this protocol should also enable greater diversity in this area. It is easy to see that a single application isn't able to satisfy the needs of every single user. With SNAC we enable a decentralized structure, where each user can choose his server, but also his client application, from a broad spectrum. By developing our pilot application Open Source, we make it easy for other developers to integrate their own applications into the network.
But the decentralized Open Source dream alone is not enough to revolutionize the social media world. In order for the new applications emerging in SNAC to be able to run, an appropriate economic environment is needed to cover the operating costs. If the user accesses many different servers while surfing through the decentralized network, the question arises who is responsible for the access costs caused. There is a lack of a corresponding micropayment service with which it is possible to pay very small amounts easy and securely. At first glance, this seems like a project of its own, but it is closely linked to the operation of a decentralised social network. And there are several advantages emerging by linking social networks with a micropayment system. For example, users can donate a few cents to the creators of content they value, which then adds up to a fair reward for the creators. And this is done directly, independently and without forced ads for the users. But the mental alarm bell of data security rightly rings here when one tries to link financial and private communication data. Therefore, it is all the more important to hand over data sovereignty to the user when planning the protocols and to leave the server operators only the task for which they are fairly paid - the operation of the servers.
We are currently putting this concept into protocols that enable secure transactions and protect the user's data. The aim is to create an environment where everyone has the chance to honestly and transparently pay the costs they incur instead of filling the pockets of corporations with their data.
Our project is quite daring, that is clear to us. And yet we are sure that this is exactly what we want to do in the coming years. Because there is a chance that we will find 15 crazy people who want to develop this utopia together with us. There's a chance we'll find 50,000 people supporting us with an average of 1€ a month to feed our 15 crazy developers. There's a chance that we can create an environment where many small subnets with cool innovative applications can trigger a movement that's going to be so big it will overcome Facebook's monopoly. And above all, we can create an environment where technology benefits people again, rather than the other way around.
If 36c3 isn't the right place for a project like this, what else is? We will give a talk in which we will discuss a better world and the difficulties that lie on the path there. We want to encourage listeners to think and participate, but above all we are also there to initiate a discussion. We want to hear all the concerns and mistakes that we overlook and we need the expertise from all the different angles that only the CCC brings together.
We want to explore the perspectives and plan future action on internet access and VoIP dial-out in a user-owned (Commons Economy) or completely open infrastructure. See the related talk for an introduction to the state of affairs.
Galina Balashova was the main architect and designer for the soviet space programme. She designed the interieurs and visual identity of spacecrafts such as the Soyuz, Buran, and Mir.
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