Jeffrey Burdges

Jeff Burdges is an applied cryptography researcher working with the Web3 foundation, where he works on cryptography for decentralized and/or privacy preserving protocols.

Jeff's work often involves collaborative randomness, specialized signature schemes like verifiable random functions (VRFs) or anonymous credentials, and increasingly both zero-knowledge proofs and incentives or mechanism design using VRFs. Jeff is also researching a peer-to-peer private messaging service that will use mix networks.

Jeff previously worked on Taler and GNUNet as a postdoc for Christian Grothoff at Inria, Rennes, where he worked on anonymity protocols primarily mix networks, blind signatures, security proofs, distributed authentication, forward-secure ratchets, and pairing-based protocols. Jeff holds a PhD degree in Mathematics from Rutgers University in New Jersey.


Cryptography of Killing Proof-of-Work [YBTI/wefixthenet session]
dvn, Jeffrey Burdges

We briefly discuss the range of cryptographic primitives being used by protocols that seek to make proof-of-work protocols obsolete. We shall focus primarily on these cryptographic building blocks themselves, not overly on the different protocols built form them.

OIO Stage